Master How-To Teach Following Directions: 7 Proven Techniques

As a parent, it is important to ensure that your child has the necessary skills to succeed. One of these skills is the ability to follow directions. Following directions is a critical social skill that can help your child perform better in school, engage in meaningful relationships with peers and adults, and develop a sense of independence. This blog post will discuss the importance of teaching your child to follow directions, provide tips for teaching this skill, and provide sample activities.

Importance of Following Directions

Being able to follow directions is a necessary life skill that has a number of benefits. Following directions helps your child develop problem solving skills and the ability to plan ahead. It also helps them become independent and responsible. Following directions also helps your child learn to respect rules and regulations set by adults, which can help them stay safe.

Detailed Tips

It is important to remember that teaching your child to follow directions is a process that takes time, patience, and consistency. Here are some tips for teaching your child to follow directions:

  • Break down directions into smaller steps: Breaking down directions into smaller steps can help your child understand and remember them.
  • Make directions simple and clear: Make sure that the directions you are giving are simple and clear, so that your child can understand them.
  • Use visual cues: Visual cues such as pictures, diagrams, or hand gestures can help your child understand and remember directions.
  • Provide positive reinforcement: Positive reinforcement is a great way to encourage and motivate your child to follow directions. This can be in the form of verbal praise, stickers, or other rewards.
  • Model the behavior: Modeling the behavior you want your child to exhibit is a great way to teach them. Show them how to follow directions, and then have them practice following the same directions.
  • Practice: Practice makes perfect! Give your child the opportunity to practice following directions in a variety of situations.

Sample Activities

There are many activities you can do to help your child practice following directions. Here are a few examples:

  • Simon Says: This classic game is a great way to practice following directions. Have your child listen to the directions you give, and then act on them.
  • Make a puzzle: Have your child make a puzzle by following the directions you give. This is a great way to practice sequencing and problem solving.
  • Sorting game: Have your child sort objects into different categories by following the directions you give.
  • Follow the leader: Have your child follow you as you move around the room, following the directions you give.
  • Follow the directions: Give your child a set of directions, and have them follow the directions.

EvidenceBased Citation

In conclusion, teaching your child to follow directions is an important social skill that can help them succeed in life. Following the above tips, and doing the sample activities can help your child learn and practice this skill. For more information on teaching your child to follow directions, please see the following evidencebased article: Merrell, K. W., Guevremont, D. C., & Harris, S. R. (1993). Teaching children to follow directions: An instructional sequence. Behavior Therapy, 24(3), 527540.

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