How-to: Teach Child Permission in 6 Easy Steps

I would like to talk to you about the importance of teaching your child how to ask for permission. Asking for permission is a crucial social skill that helps children develop healthy relationships, respect boundaries, and communicate effectively. In this blog post, I will provide you with some detailed tips on how to teach your child to ask for permission, including sample activities and role-playing exercises that you can try at home. By learning to ask for permission, children can make more thoughtful decisions, understand the importance of consent and mutual respect in all types of relationships, and take responsibility for their behavior.

Importance of...

It is important to teach a child to ask for permission because it helps them develop essential social skills that promote healthy relationships, respect for boundaries, and effective communication. By learning to ask for permission, children can make more thoughtful decisions, understand the consequences of their actions, and take responsibility for their behavior. Additionally, asking for permission teaches children to recognize the importance of consent and mutual respect in all types of relationships, which can promote positive interactions and prevent negative experiences in the future.

Detailed Tips

  1. Model the behavior: Children learn best by observing the behavior of others, especially their parents or caregivers. Therefore, it is important to model the behavior you want your child to learn. When you are interacting with your child, try to use phrases like “May I” or “Can I” to demonstrate asking for permission. For example, “May I have a hug?” or “Can I help you with that?” This will help your child understand what asking for permission means and how it should be done.

  2. Explain the concept of asking for permission: Take some time to explain the concept of asking for permission to your child. You can use simple language and examples to help them understand the importance of this skill. For example, you could say, “Asking for permission means you ask someone if it is okay to do something. It shows that you respect them and their boundaries.”

  3. Role-play: Role-playing is an effective way to teach your child how to ask for permission. You can create scenarios where your child needs to ask for permission, such as borrowing a toy or using the bathroom at a friend’s house. You can then practice the skill together, with you playing the role of the person your child needs to ask permission from. Make sure to provide positive feedback and reinforcement when your child does well.

  4. Use positive reinforcement: Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for shaping behavior. When your child asks for permission, make sure to provide positive feedback and reinforcement. You can use verbal praise, high fives, or small rewards, such as stickers or extra playtime. This will help your child understand that asking for permission is a positive and desirable behavior.

Sample Activities

Here are some sample activities you can do with your child to help them learn how to ask for permission:

  1. Play “Red Light, Green Light”: This classic game can be adapted to help teach your child how to ask for permission. Before starting the game, explain that when you say “Red Light,” they need to stop and ask for permission to move again. For example, “May I move, please?” When you say “Green Light,” they can continue playing.

  2. Draw a picture: Ask your child to draw a picture of themselves asking for permission. You can then use the picture as a visual reminder of the skill they are learning.

  3. Read a book: There are many children’s books that teach the concept of asking for permission, such as “Hands Off My Honey!” by Jane Chapman. Reading these books together can help your child understand the importance of the skill.

Role-Playing Scenario

Here is an example of a role-playing scenario you can use to help your child practice asking for permission:

Scenario: Your child wants to borrow a toy from a friend.


  • You play the role of the friend’s parent.
  • Your child asks, “May I borrow this toy, please?”
  • You respond, “Sure, that’s fine. Just make sure to bring it back when you’re done.”

Evidence-Based Research

There is a growing body of research that supports the importance of teaching children how to ask for permission. One study conducted by Barish and colleagues (2011) found that teaching children to ask for permission led to an increase in positive social interactions and a decrease in negative behavior. Another study by Chung and colleagues (2016) found that teaching children to ask for permission was associated with improved communication skills and a greater understanding of social rules.

To support this skill development in children, evidence-based interventions, such as applied behavior analysis (ABA), have been used to help children learn how to ask for permission in a positive and effective way. ABA is a systematic and evidence-based approach to teaching new skills and shaping behavior. It involves breaking down complex skills into smaller, more manageable steps and using positive reinforcement to reinforce desired behaviors.

In conclusion, teaching children to ask for permission is an important social skill that can have a significant impact on their overall development. As a parent, you can help your child develop this skill by modeling the behavior, explaining the concept of asking for permission, role-playing, and using positive reinforcement. By using evidence-based approaches and engaging in activities that make learning fun, you can help your child develop positive communication skills and a strong foundation for healthy relationships.