The Pros and Cons of Partnering with a School District for ABA Services: A Guide for ABA Agencies

ABA agencies are becoming increasingly popular as more and more families seek out Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy for their children with autism. As an ABA agency, contracting with a local school district can be a great way to expand your reach and provide much-needed services to more children and families. However, there are also some potential downsides to working with school districts that you should be aware of before entering into a contract.

Pros of working with a school district:

  • Access to more clients: School districts serve a large number of children, which means that contracting with a district can significantly increase your client base.
  • Stable funding: School districts have a stable source of funding, which can help ensure that your agency has a steady stream of revenue.
  • Increased visibility: Working with a school district can help increase the visibility of your agency in the community, which can lead to more referrals and more clients.
  • Collaboration: School districts have a wide range of services and resources that can help support your clients and their families. Collaborating with other professionals within the district can lead to better outcomes for children.

Cons of working with a school district:

  • Bureaucracy: School districts can be bureaucratic and may have a lot of rules and regulations that you need to navigate. This can be time-consuming and may require additional paperwork.
  • Limited flexibility: School districts often have specific protocols and procedures that you need to follow, which can limit your flexibility and creativity in providing services.
  • Limited control: When working with a school district, you may have less control over the services you provide and how they are implemented.
  • Limited reimbursement rates: Reimbursement rates for services provided to school districts are often lower than those provided to private clients.

Overall, contracting with a school district can be a great way to expand your reach and provide more children and families with ABA services. However, it’s important to carefully weigh the pros and cons and consider if it’s the right fit for your agency. It’s important to have a clear understanding of the agreement, contract and reimbursement rates before entering into a contract with a school district. Additionally, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the district’s policies and procedures, and how they will impact your services.